Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Well, I do know that a lot of stupid people who just wanna attract other stupid people of their stupid kind would always title their stupid pictures or blog posts with "Randomness" but for my this particular post, there couldn't be no other better word in the English language to replace it. I swear it really is like this!

I mean I have so much one or two liner stuff to say on Twitter that I decided to compose every tweet into a long post! Smart hah! So, tada! Here it goes! Don't get bored, my dearest reader(s)!

Had a blast today with my terrific friends! Hope you guys enjoyed as much as I did! Sorry that my house cant really offer great stuff for you guys to enjoy! Love you all!

Damuahahaha is sunburned once again! She so badly needs a milk bath!!! Where can she get one? Well, definitely not one right in her house!

What do you eat when watching a horror movie? I'SCREAM.

Muttons' potential reply to my tweet: Muahahaha. Glad that you like it. Vernon sucks it. Love, Justin Ang.

Okay, fine. I addded in the Love in the end. But it's really sweet for them to always sign off with 'love' or 'Muttons love you" before ending their tweet or radio show!

Well, that's basically what I pretty much wanna shout out!
Oh wait. It was Sakurai Sho's birthday yesterday!!! Happy Birthday Sakurai-kun!!! Tanjoubu Omaedetto!!! You're 28 now!!!! Be more like a man and hope that you can find a girl of your dreams soon, like me, and settle down soon and have really cute kids sooooon! Best of luck to you!!!! MUACKXXX!

Somebody just recommended me to change my name to Delilah! AND I'M SERIOUS ABOUT IT!!! SHOULD I OR SHOULD I NOT?!?! Well, great, I'm changing my name for a song. No, an extraordinarily beautiful song!!! Should I change my name to "I can't miss a thing"? Lol.

If you and a guy buried love letters under a bonsai tree in a national park and arranged to meet one year later to open up the letters but somehow the tree got struck by lightning before the year ends and he went to change the tree for the sake for YOU AND HIS PROMISE, WELL, GO MARRY HIM YOU IDIOT!!!

I like to use 'well" a lot recently! Eeekkk! Sounds so arrogant, you stupid show-off!

We all need to help destiny shape our lives. Yes, I do agree with ya buddy! We all can change our destiny!

Thanks all!


PS: Lol, I nearly signed off with my real name! Freak out!!!!!!